Mainboard Repair pour Emdoor YS11G

Mainboard Repair pour Emdoor YS11G
Mainboard Repair pour Emdoor YS11G
Mainboard Repair pour Emdoor YS11G
Mainboard Repair pour Emdoor YS11G
462.85 EUR
y compris 20% de TVA

Professional motherboard repair for a fixed price.

Typical motherboard repairs:

  • BGA chip exchange, e.g. Northbridge / Southbridge
  • Repair short circuits on the motherboard
  • Repair battery charge controller
  • Repairs after liquid damage (not always possible)
  • Multiple defects on the motherboard

This service can't be orderd in the shop, we offer this as a repair service in our service center.

The process is done in 6 easy steps.

  1. Please fill out the Repair Registration and describe your problem exactly.
  2. Our technicians will check if a display exchange is necessary and will fix your problem.
  3. We will send you an E-Mail including your RMA-No. and delivery note.
  4. Back up all important data on an external device
  5. Make sure your Notebook is packed safely to avoid shipping damages.
  6. We will inform you via E-Mail when your package arrives and provide further actions.

If you have further questions don't hesitate and contact us via E-Mail or telephone.

Your benefit

  • We always pay attention to efficiency
  • Quick repair turnaround times by extensive spare parts inventory
  • Highest quality repair by long experience of the technician
  • Quality assurance by duplicate tests and test protocols
  • High visibility on the repair status by permantene email info at status changes

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